Etna North, itineraries among woods and Middle Ages

The north side of Mount Etna is the coldest and most “alpine”. The temperatures remain balanced or low for most of the year, on this side. It is no coincidence that the ski and snowboard schools are located here. The north side of Etna consists of ancient craters, very dense woods, glaciers and villages of […]

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Company trips, “team building” together on Mount Etna

The workplace is almost as important as home … because it is the place where you spend your  time, as well as with your family. And if this environment is heavy, difficult or repulsive, even the work of the individual suffers. And it reflects in the entire production. The two years in which, due to […]

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The Scacciata, delicious Etnean Christmas food

If you have never heard of “Scacciata” before, do not look for it on Google. Come and taste!  Words cannot express how good this traditional Christmas recipe is. It is typical of Sicily, especially of the Catania and Etna areas. Scacciatas, in Sicily, are different according to which part of the island you taste them. […]

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