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The workplace is almost as important as home … because it is the place where you spend your  time, as well as with your family. And if this environment is heavy, difficult or repulsive, even the work of the individual suffers. And it reflects in the entire production. The two years in which, due to Covid virus, people have become accustomed to “smartworking” have worsened the situation. No more social relations. Yet if you are united and in full harmony, the work flows better and you have advantages for everyone. This is why company excursions are the new trend, today.

For some time now, companies have been organizing pleasant moments so to allow employees to get to know each other,  to “work as a team”. As returning from lockdowns, more than ever, company trips become an important step in recreating that atmosphere of “complicity” at work. Or to find one, if there was not before.  Mount Etna offers many ideas for organizing interesting excursions with colleagues.

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trekking in the nature

Company trips,  games in the nature

If the work group already knows each other and is used to being together, it does not take much to recreate the “team spirit”. In this case, even a simple walk in the woods, or on the old lava flows (sciàre) to explore caves and lava tunnels, is good for you. You get to know new places together,  share the walk, the lunch, the guide’s explanation.

The ideal for this type of excursion is a nice trek at high altitude, or along the rivers (example: the Alcantara Gorges). You can go discover the summit craters of Etna, or  the hidden springs along its paths, or you can visit ancient extinct craters. But sports and games to play in the woods are also good, for example archery or slingshot. The most imaginative will be able to focus on a real treasure hunt on the volcano, obviously with the help of guides who know the area.

Adventurous company excursions to challenge yourself

If, on the other hand, you are among new colleagues, or you have no solid relationships, the ideal company excursion will be full of adventure. This means tackling those harder paths, discovering the wilder sides of Etna, where fatigue combines with the need to help each other.

For this type of experience it is excelent, for example, a nice tour in Mountain Bike, or aboard a Quad, along the wood and creek tracks of the volcano. Obviously these routes are recommended for practical people since they are not very easy. But even those who are just starting out can have a try with due caution. Alternatively, why not try an orientation test? That is to reach a point in the woods starting from another point and with the only help of a map (and a faithful companion).

Exploring the rivers of Etna, such as the Alcantara or the Simeto, may help you experience the extreme adventure of rafting or canoeing . In some points of  Etna area you can try free rock climbing, certainly followed by an instructor and with all the necessary safety measures.

Other ideas for team building together

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team building on the volcano

Dealing with a situation together, be it calm and pleasant or adventurous and complex, forces people to understand each other. Characters, expressions, attitudes emerge. Not only are bonds between colleagues strengthened but also office managers will be able to better understand who is suitable for one role over another. The territory of Etna extends from the sea to the Nebrodi. So you can do  experiences almost everywhere and of different types.

A company excursion can also include a nice food tasting at one of the many restaurants with typical local specialties. But not only that, these specialties can be prepared by the day-trippers themselves, involved in quick cooking courses! The Ionian Sea, in which Etna is reflected, offers interesting seabeds for those who love diving but is also suitable for sailing or windsurfing.

Finally … a great excursion to team up together can also include wine tastings. Etna is rich in vineyards that produce some of the best wine labels in the world. At the end of a hike on a nature trail, sitting in front of a nice glass of red or sparkling white wine is ideal for partying all together. No longer just colleagues but … friends! (PHOTOS BY G MUSUMECI)

Autore: Grazia Musumeci

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