Once upon a time, the Centenary Hills …

The mountains called “Centenary” have for a long time witnessed a terrible and spectacular eruption of Mt. Etna.  It took place on August 20th, 1852, and lasted almost one year (ended in May 1853). To call them “mountains” may seem exaggerated, in fact now they are little more than hills – small craters that emerge […]

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Night of fire, Etna on eruption again

It was a night of fire! Yet yesterday it all seemed to be over. “She is giving us only a break” …. the volcanologists of Catania had said, however, describing the apparent state of calm of “Mamma Etna”, after an amazing and powerful eruption. Indeed, a paroxysm, as it is called scientifically. In the afternoon […]

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The Sella Crater, new restless vent of Etna

Mount Etna started a new “show” between November 2020 and January 2021, as usual in a unique and charming way. It was another surprise, with phenomena and situations that attracted scientists and tourists with one question only: what is the volcano planning to do? What we know for sure is that, at the moment, all […]

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Nicolosi Pinewood. Picnic in a crater

If we can experience the feeling of having a picnic in a crater, today, or eating and walking at the foot of beautiful pine trees inside a natural basin, this is due to a terrible event of the 17th century. The side eruption of Monti Rossi hit the place and the people, detroying many lives. […]

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Torre del Filosofo and the Laghetto Crater

A continuously changing landscape, Mount Etna has erased many places in time and others -that are still visible today- maybe tomorrow won’t be there anymore. The lava eruptions and the ashes change the top territory all the time and make these places a mix of geography, history and myth. We shall lead you to the […]

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